
Showing posts from July, 2023

lone star ticks: alpha-gal anaphylaxis from eating red meat

  The spread of the lone star tick as a result of climate change/warmer weather has led to the northward spread of some tick-borne illnesses. A prior blog highlighted the spread of the potentially fatal Heartland virus, associated with the lone star tick ( ); this blog includes a picture of the tick as well as more general observations of the effects of climate change on the spread of infectious diseases. And, now the alpha-gal syndrome (AGS)   Details : -- the lone star tick bites have been associated with the alpha-gal syndrome, AGS (also called the red meat allergy or tick bite meat allergy), a potentially life-threatening allergic condition     -- it seems that AGS is primarily associated with lone star tick bites, though other ticks may also be involved (one suspect is  Ixodes   spp: the culprit also in anaplasmosis, Lyme disease, babesiosis, Borrelia miyamotoi disease, Powassan virus dis

depression: add-on probiotics helps

  Another article just came out suggesting a significant  clinical  role  for  the gut microbiota/brain interaction , this time for depression and anxiety . This small study found benefit in adding probiotics as adjunctive treatment for patients with insufficient response to antidepressant  med s (see  depression   probiotics jamapsych2023  in dropbox, or doi:10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2023.1817 )    Details : -- 49 patients with moderate major depressive disorder (MDD) on antidepressants but  having  incomplete response to the meds were randomized to probiotics versus placebo in this UK study, between 2019-2022. -- Patients were 18 to 55 years old, were taking an approved antidepressant at a stable dose for at least six weeks, and did not have bipolar disorder, psychosis, eating disorders, personality disorders, substance dependence, suicidal ideation, serious medical illnesses, were taking gastrointestinal medications, smoked, were pregnant or breast-feeding, or were on a vegan diet -- M