diabetes risk: BMI less good predictor
Another study just came out finding that BMI is an inferior predictor of the development of type II diabetes (see BMI less good predictor for diabetes DiabReseClinPract2024 in dropbox or https://doi.org/10.1016/j.diabres.2024.111888 ) Details : -- 155,623 Japanese participants who had medical checkups when working at the Panasonic Corporation between 2008 and 2021, having had two consecutive health examinations during that interval, were evaluated for how several different anthropometric indices of adiposity were associated with subsequent development of type II diabetes -- 115,036 men and 40,587 women were evaluated -- the anthropometric indices assessed: -- BMI -- WC, waist circumference -- wBMI, waist circumference times the BMI (the waist-corrected BMI) -- ABSI , a-body shape index, the waist circumference divided by the BMI to the two thirds power times the square root of the height, a measure of the body shape (different from the body