Microbiome: hypertension; and atopic dermatitis

Two recent articles found relationships between the gut microbiome and hypertension (see doi:10.1038/nature24628 );​ and between the skin microbiome and atopic dermatitis (see DOI: 10.1126/scitranslmed.aah4680 ).

Gut microbiome and hypertension.


--in mice:
    --high salt diet led to increased blood pressure as well as gut microbiome changes: eg, depletion of Lactobacillus murinus within one day of the high salt diet
    ​--concomitant high salt diet and repletion of L. murinus led to a decrease in systolic and normalization of diastolic blood pressures
    ​--other studies suggest that high salt diet leads to induction of TH17 cells (T helper 17 cells), which depends on the gut microbiota
    ​--in this study high salt diet led to led to pretty specific increases in the mouse TH17 cells, and these levels decrease with L. murinus treatment
--in humans:
    --a systematic review and meta-analysis in 2014 (see Khalesi S. Hypertension 2014; 64: 897) found that probiotics were associated with decreases in blood pressure
    --an exploratory pilot study (a part of the above mouse study) in 12 healthy male volunteers were given a high salt diet for 14 days (6 g of sodium chloride/d, equivalent to 2.36 grams of sodium), along with their usual baseline sodium intake, leading to an overall salt intake of 13.8 g/d:
        ​--in a subgroup of 8 patients who had ambulatory blood pressure monitoring at baseline and after the salt challenge (focusing on their night-time readings, to decrease potential stress-related daytime BP changes):
            --nocturnal systolic and diastolic blood pressures increased with the high salt diet
            --the level of TH17 cells increased with the high salt diet
         ​   --at baseline, 7 different gut Lactobacillus species were detected; after the high salt, 9 of the 10 Lactobacillus populations that were initially present could no longer be detected (which has been shown in other studies)
            --Lactobacillus is not a dominant member of the human gut microbiome. in the current study, 5 of the 12 (42%) had at least one Lactobacillus species at baseline. though other studies in non-Westernized populations confirm more Lactobacillus in the gut, as is also the case in newborn infants (which then decreases over time)

--so, in humans, a high salt diet was associated with increased blood pressure, increased TH17 cells, and reduced Lactobacillus species in those who had Lactobacillus at baseline
--this was a small pilot study, which should be replicated in a larger cohort, but the results do mirror the extensive and impressive literature in mice​. Would be interesting to know if introducing Lactobacillus species in humans decreased the TH17 cells and also decreased the blood
--it may mean something that with westernization, there seems to be a decrease in the apparently healthful Lactobacillus species…???

Skin microbiome and atopic dermatitis


--in mice:
    --mice colonized with S. aureus develop atopic dermatitis (AD)-like skin lesions
    --treating mouse skin with coagulase-negative staph (CoNS), largely S epidermidis and S hominis, found increased defense against S.​ aureus
--in humans:
    --patients with atopic dermatitis (AD) frequently have S. aureus on their skin, which is an important factor in disease exacerbations. And they have decreased ability to express the antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) of cathelicidins, and b-defensins
    --non-AD patients tend to have more CoNS than AD patients, and these CoNS have some antimicrobial activity by producing AMPs
    --80 patients in this study with AD were tested and the majority who had positive S. aureus cultures had decreased bacterial diversity. 
    --and, many of the CoNS species in AD patients did not have antimicrobial activity, suggesting that it was the specific strain and not the species identity that predicted antimicrobial function
    --a small study of 5 people who had AD and were S. aureus culture-positive: rare clones of S. hominis or S. epidermidis were found with antimicrobial activity, but when these  rare isolates were grown in culture to produce the normal colony count of non-AD patients’ skin, a single application to these 5 people dramatically decreased S. aureus abundance. And doing this process in mice repeatedly for one week led to complete elimination of S. aureus.

--patients with AD are frequently colonized with S aureus, and this colonization is associated with disease exacerbations. In this study, patients with AD had more S. aureus present when their commensal CoNS did not have antimicrobial activity (which was typically found). So, AD was basically associated with decreases in quantity of CoNS as well as dramatic decreases in functionality (ie, most had no antimicrobial effect)
--But, finding and culturing the few CoNS which had antimicrobial activity in AD patients, then reintroducing the subjects' own functional CoNS colonies back to the skin as a single application, dramatically reduced their S. aureus colonization.
--Unclear why the AD patients who had significant CoNS on their skin had a dysfunctional CoNS lacking antimicrobial activity against S. aureus. Did the dysfunctional CoNS lead to S. aureus colonization?  did long-term exposure to S. aureus lead to dysfunctional CoNS? Did some other, perhaps environmental factor lead to both dysfunctional CoNS and S. aureus overgrowth?
--one advantage of the above approach of introducing functional CoNS back to the skin is that it avoids using broad-spectrum antibiotics in AD patients as are often used, and these antibiotics might further distort the microbiome (and further kill CoNS strains), instead of replenishing the microbiome with physiologically-active CoNS. But, would it be as effective if generic CoNS strains were applied topically?  Ie, do they need to be harvested from the individual patient, grown in vitro, then transferred back to the skin?
--as a brief review of the current knowledge about the skin microbiome: the skin microbiome has not been studied as well as the gut microbiome, but there is evidence that it interacts with the gut microbiome; and the skin microbiome manufactures and metabolizes steroid hormones, peptide neurohromones and neurotransmitters. It can have stress-induced increases in Substance P, which is linked to eczema, acne, and barrier dysfunction. In germ-free mice, the lack of skin commensal bacteria affects normal immune responses, especially cytokine production. In healthy teenagers, Acinetobactor on the skin is associated with IL-10 expression in peripheral blood, reflecting a systemic effect of surface bacteria. In North Karelia, those people who are in the more westernized region have more eczema (see http://gmodestmedblogs.blogspot.com/2016/08/microbiome-and-type-1-diabetes-etc.html  ,which also reviews a study from North Karelia), and have less abundance and diversity of Acinetobacter on the skin and nasal epithelium. The environmental factors affecting the skin microbiome are also less well-understood as compared to the gut, but the skin microbiome tends to change more easily over time, is influenced by exposure to pets, person-to-person contact (including shared cellphones), and (likely) ambient temperature, ventilation, co-occupancy, humidity, environmental contact, air quality, UV light, pH, and the skin's lipid content. also, the skin microbiome can be quite different in different areas of the body of the same person, and microbiomes can be successfully transplanted from one area of the body to another. In addition, oral probiotics can influence the nasal microbiome (see Prescott SL. World Allergy Organizataion J 2017; 10:29, or go to https://waojournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s40413-017-0160-5).

so, the point of these microbiome studies is not to push for probiotics or even skin microbiome transplants, but to point out a few things:
    --the various human microbiomes (gut, lung, vaginal, skin, etc) seem to serve as important intermediaries between the environment and health/disease
    --there are important ways to optimize the health of these microbiomes: minimize antibiotic use and, in particular, broader spectrum antibiotics. also, as per prior blogs (see below), diet, exercise, healthy weight, decreased stress, better quality sleep (and, no doubt, more) can have pretty profound effects on the microbiomes (best documented for the GI microbiome)
    ​--and (for the GI microbiome) though probiotics or fecal transplants do seem to have some positive effects, it seems that these effects would pale in comparison to these above interventions of improving lifestyle and avoiding antibiotics:
      --partly because our understanding of the various microbes in the gut is undoubtedly far from complete and our understanding of the likely complex interaction between the different species is even further from complete,
      --partly because we are making really small changes in the composition of the gut (the absolute numbers of bacteria in the gut is staggering, per prior blogs, and the number of "good" bacteria introduced with probiotics is miniscule, and no one knows what is the optimal composition and relative potencies of the different bacteria introduced (and the current preparations in the marketplace vary dramatically from one to another), 
      --and in terms of fecal transplants, one concern is also transplanting potentially serious microbes from one person into another that are hiding in the gut (and these microbes might take years to create disease: are we getting short-term benefits but potentially very serious long-term diseases???)

prior blogs of note:

http://gmodestmedblogs.blogspot.com/2015/10/gi-microbiome-in-little-kids-and.html  for a Canadian study associating the GI microbiome in little kids and asthma
http://gmodestmedblogs.blogspot.com/2014/11/gastric-acid-suppression-and-microbiome_23.html  shows that gastric acid suppression leads to changes in the gut and also in the lung microbiomes.  ??predisposes people to pneumonia
http://gmodestmedblogs.blogspot.com/2017/10/mediterranean-diet-helps-nafld.html documents the data on the microbiome and NAFLD, as well as a study showing that the Mediterranean diet decreased hepatic steatosis
http://gmodestmedblogs.blogspot.com/search/label/microbiome​ for the array of many many blogs on the microbiome, including the association between antibiotics and colorectal adenomas, dramatic microbiome changes by artificial noncaloric sweeteners (leading to weight gain, glucose intolerance, ...), association with asthma and allergic/immunologic disorders, the effects of diet/exercise/travel/sterss/poor sleep on the microbiome, and the huge and potentially devastating longterm microbiome changes with antibiotics.

If you would like to receive regular emails with these blogs, please let me know at gmodest@uphams.org


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