Tourette-like mass sociogenic illness
A recent article highlighted an outbreak of a mass sociogenic illness (MSI) of Tourette-like symptoms spread solely through social media, a mass social media-induced illness (MSMI), see mass sociogenic illness brain2021 in dropbox, or Details: --this report was from a specialized Tourette outpatient clinic in Hanover Medical School in Germany, revealing a large number of young people across different countries having a “Tourette-like” MSMI outbreak -- a German YouTube channel, launched by 22-year-old Jan Zimmermann (who has a mild form of Tourette syndrome), depicts countless numbers of movements, vocalizations, words, phrases, and bizarre behavior that Zimmermann claims are tics -- his YouTube channel spread rapidly on social media, reaching 1 million subscribers in less than three months, making Zimmermann the second most successful YouTube creator in Germany in 2019. Currently subscriptions are 2.23 million people and 296 videos have b...