
Showing posts from October, 2021

Tourette-like mass sociogenic illness

A recent article highlighted an outbreak of a mass sociogenic illness (MSI) of Tourette-like symptoms spread solely through social media, a mass social media-induced illness (MSMI), see  mass sociogenic illness brain2021  in dropbox, or   Details: --this report was from a specialized Tourette outpatient clinic in Hanover Medical School in Germany, revealing a large number of young people across different countries having a “Tourette-like” MSMI outbreak -- a German YouTube channel, launched by 22-year-old Jan Zimmermann (who has a mild form of Tourette syndrome), depicts countless numbers of movements, vocalizations, words, phrases, and bizarre behavior that Zimmermann claims are tics -- his YouTube channel spread rapidly on social media, reaching 1 million subscribers in less than three months, making Zimmermann the second most successful YouTube creator in Germany in 2019. Currently subscriptions are 2.23 million people and 296 videos have b...

NAFLD: prospective outcome study

  A recent study assessed the outcomes of adults with Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) across the histologic spectrum (see   nafld prospective outcome study nejm2021  in dropbox, or DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa2029349 )    Details:   -- 1773 adults with NAFLD in a perspective cohort study, from the NAFLD Database Study Phase 2 non-interventional registry of the NASH Clinical Research Network (NASH = Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis) -- all had liver biopsies that found NAFLD and had at least one follow-up visit after 48 weeks  -- to differentiate NAFLD from Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, a questionnaire was used to establish consumption of less than 20 g of alcohol daily for women and less than 30 g for men [biopsy analysis of NAFLD vs alcoholic fatty liver disease can be indistinguishable] -- median age 52,  36% male, 85% white, 12% Latinx, BMI 33, mean time since NAFLD diagnosis 2.7 years --75% of those with NAFLD had NASH --mean ALT 51 , ...