Covid: Delta variant, from infected teacher to kids
The CDC just reported an outbreak of Delta variant in an elementary school classroom in Marin County, California from an infected teacher, with a 50% attack rate on kids (see ). Details: -- the Marin County elementary school has 205 students in pre-kindergarten through 8 th grade, and 24 staff members -- each classroom has 20-25 students -- on May 23 there was an outbreak of Covid from an unvaccinated teacher to many in the class (confirmed by PCR or antigen testing) -- the teacher had symptoms on May 19 but continued to work until May 21 (this teacher was 1 of the 2 in the school who was unvaccinated). The symptoms were attributed to allergies, leading to the delayed Covid testing -- the teacher read aloud in the classroom unmasked, against the school mask requirement -- student adherence to masking and distancing were re...