COVID: Moderna mRNA vaccine review
The FDA released the Moderna coronavirus vaccine briefing document, see , (the peer-reviewed journal article has not been released yet, though I usually wait for the formal article prior to analysis. Of note, “the FDA has not independently verified the complete efficacy data from this dataset, beyond those analyses presented”, similarly for the safety dataset). This is a long blog, since I’ve gone through a lot of details from this (much longer) 54-page report Details: -- 15,210 patients were randomized to vaccine versus placebo, as a two-dose regimen 28 days apart, in adults at least 18 years old from 99 sites in the United States -- patients were stratified by age and health risk -- 47% female; mean age 52, 25% (3527) at least 65 years old; 79% white/10% Black/5% Asian/20% Latinx; occupational risk: 82% high-risk (healthcare workers, emergency workers, service workers, o...