response to: surprise billing
response to: surprise billing G Geoff A. Modest, M.D. Fri 12/20/2019 7:51 AM Geoff A. Modest, M.D. Mitchell Wice made the following comments (and agreed to their circulation). Mitch is a recent graduate from Boston Medical Center and is at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai as an Integrated Fellow in Geriatrics and Palliative Care ------- Another area of "surprise billing" is hospice. Because the way the hospice benefit is written into medicare with primary hospice doctor vs secondary seeing your PCP or specialist without prior special arrangements with the hospice can result in most of the bills and labs being denied when submitted to insurance and patients being left to pay out of pocket (at least medications can be picked up by part D). This is even more true as people try to refer to hospice earlier and ear...