
Showing posts from September, 2019

continuing statins in elderly

continuing statins in elderly G      Geoff A. Modest, M.D. Mon 9/30/2019 6:51 AM Geoff A. Modest, M.D.  A recent nationwide French population-based cohort study found that stopping statins in those >75yo taking them for primary cardiovasc prevention was associated with an increased subsequent admission rate for a cardiovascular event (s ee  statin elderly not stop europhrtj2019  in dropbox, or doi:10.1093/eurheartj/ehz458 ) Details: --sample: all French who turned 75 in 2012-14 (n=102,173) with no history of CVD and on a statin with a medication possession ratio (MPR) of >80% , (ie, they were taking the meds) in each of the prior 2 years --male 41%, nursing home 0.5%, meds: BP 79%/antiplatelet 25%/anticoagulants 14%/diabetes 27%, comorbidities: chr pulmonary dz 18%/diabetes 24%/depression 4%/cancer 4%, frailty indictors 5 assessed, most common was b...

smoking cessation and persistent cardiovasc risk

smoking cessation and persistent cardiovasc risk  You forwarded this message on Fri 9/13/2019 6:36 AM G      Geoff A. Modest, M.D. Thu 9/12/2019 8:08 AM Geoff A. Modest, M.D.  A retrospective analysis of prospectively collected data from the Framingham Heart Study and the Offspring Cohort found that the risk for cardiovascular events continued for 10-15 years after smoking cessation ( see  cad smoking cessation framstudy jama2019  in dropbox or doi:10.1001/jama.2019.10298 ) Details: -- Framingham Heart Study participants: no baseline CVD, attending the 4th examination in 1954-58, n= 3805 -- Framingham Offspring Cohort: attending their 1st examination in 1971-75, followed until 2016, n= 4965 -- pooled cohort population was 8770 individuals, mean age 42, 45% male, 25% less than high school graduates/32% high school graduates/43% more, blood pressure 127/81...