depression treatment in the elderly
the treatment of depression in the elderly can be very difficult. the usual meds (SSRIs) tend to be less effective in the elderly, with some studies not finding much difference from placebo. and psychotherapy, which does help some, is often also less effective, given that many elderly do not have much insight into their condition and many also find it difficult to change. there have been studies in the past showing significant efficacy of stimulants, especially in those with severe depression (eg, a study at Mass General Hosp of 129 geriatric inpatients with severe major depression found 66% with significant improvement within 1-2 days, and only 8% with adverse reactions and none with reduction in appetite. average doses of dextroamphetamin was 8.2 mg and methylphenidate 8.2 mg. see J Geriatr Psychiatry Neurol. 1990;3(3):146 . other old studies have found an overall response rate of 81%. i am unaware of newer studies). in thi...