bronchiolitis guidelines for kids
The American Academy of Pediatrics updated their 2006 guidelines on diagnosis and treatment of bronchiolitis (see bronchiolitis practice guideline Peds 2014 or go to in brief: --for diagnosis: it's all in the history and physical for both diagnosis and assessing disease severity -- assess risk factors for severity (<12 weeks old, history of prematurity, underlying cardiopulmonary disease or immunodeficiency). not routinely need xray or labs if clear diagnosis --for treatment: NOT USE albuterol (new recommendation), epinephrine, nebulized hypertonic saline except if hospitalized (data suggest only useful in kids on this for 3 days for severe cases, and at least 24 hours in mild to moderate disease), steroids, supplemental oxygen if O2 sat>90%, chest PT, antibiotics (unless concomitant bacterial infection or strong suspicion). use nas...