current controversies in lipids:LDL, HDL, TG
a series of 3 articles in Lancet on where we're at and future possibilities about lipids: one on LDL, one HDL, and other Triglycerides (TG). brief review of points. 1. LDL (see lipids LDL controversies lancet 2014 in dropbox, or Lancet 2014; 384: 607–17) --reinforces that calculated LDL (by Friedewald equation) is usually adequate to evaluate LDL (though underestimates true LDL if high TGs, esp if LDL is very low either naturally or by using statins), or when HDL is very high. No need to get direct LDL, unless unable to calculate (usually because of very high TG). --promotes the use of non-fasting lipid measurement. also, there are somewhat stronger data that the non-HDL lipid fraction (total chol minus HDL) is a better predictor of events than LDL, both in those on statins and not on meds (see below as well). --there are data from several studies that the relative risk reduction of statin use is higher in those with lower absolute ...