soft tissue infection guidelines
the Infectious Diseases Society of America just updated their 2005 guidelines for treatment of skin and soft tissue infections (see skin infections guidelines inf dis soc of am 2014 in dropbox, or doi: 10.1093/cid/ciu296). the guideline deals with minor infections and up to life threatening ones, but i will focus on ones seen/treated in primary care (there is also an algorithm for wound infections, which i will leave to you to investigate). - -mild nonpurulent infections (cellulitis, erysipelas) -- where mild infection is defined as skin infection without systemic signs of infection (>38 deg C, tachycardia >90, tachypnea >24,or WBC >12K or <400, or immunocompromized): --blood culture/biopsies etc only if pt immunocompromized (and these patients should be admitted/get IV antibiotics) --should use antibiotic with anti-strep activity for 5 days, then extend if necessary ...