cryptogenic stroke and atrial fibrillation
background: stroke is common, but 20-40% of strokes and 50% of TIAs have no evident cause after work-up (called "cryptogenic"). since afib is a common and treatable cause of stroke (and the treatment of afib with anticoagulants is different from that of other strokes with antiplatelet agents), and since those with untreated afib have higher likelihood of recurrent stroke, it seems reasonable to look hard for afib. 2 recent articles in NEJM tried to assess this -- the CRYSTAL AF trial (see stroke and cryptogenic afib1 nejm2014 in dropbox, or DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1313600) was an RCT of 441 patients >40yo (mean age 61.5) with cryptogenic stroke in prior 90 days (negative workup including 24-hr Holter) randomized to a long-term insertable cardiac monitor (ICM) vs conventional followup. primary endpoint was time to first detection of afib lasting >30 sec within 6 months. secondary endpt was time to first detection of afib with...