new atrial fibrillation guidelines
new guidelines on management of atrial fibrillation from am heart assn and am acad of cardiol (see afib aha guidelines circ 2014 in dropbox, or 10.1016/j.jacc.2014.03.022). long article, so will summarize a few of the newer or more significant recommendations: 1. antithrombotic therapy -- individualized/shared decision-making. -- warfarin if mechanical valve (range 2-3 or 2.5-3.5, depending on type of valve/location). -- for patients with nonvalvular afib with prior stroke, TIA, or CHA2DS2--VASc score of 2 or greater, recommend oral anticoag. [note they are not using the older CHADS2 score. see below for the CHA2DS2--VASc instrument.] options: warfarin with INR 2-3 (level of evidence A); or dabigatran, rivaroxaban, or apixaban (level of evidence B) [ie, they added these factor Xa inhibitors to the list. though i have sent out recent blogs on the a...